Reiki Training

Discover the healer within…


 I offer Reiki Trainings both online and in person as a way to spread this simple, yet potent healing technique. It’s an opportunity to tap deeper into the healing potential that lies within.

I am kicking off the summer with three separate types of Reiki training. Reiki Levels 1&2 will be offered on the weekend of June 3rd-4th, 2023. On Saturday, June 10, I will be holding Reiki level 3 for those who have completed levels 1&2 and wish to become a certified Advanced Level Reiki Practitioner. Details and pricing are at the bottom of the page.

Keep reading and watch the video below to learn about the Reiki Training process.

Every training I offer gives you the opportunity to remove energetic blockages and undergo a major shift in your energy field, allowing you to experience life with a greater sense of peace and contentment.  

You will get to join a small, supportive group of participants from a variety of professions and backgrounds in what is called Reiju. This is a sacred ceremony where the master, myself, attunes participants to receive the universal healing energy known as Reiki. After the attunement ceremony the course of action differs for each level of training. Keep reading and watch the videos below for more insight.

Reiki 1 - You are your own best healer.

Reiki Level One Training teaches the art of Japanese palm healing to become just that, your own best healer. You will learn how to open your energetic field to Reiki on your own at home, how to let this energy flow into your palms and the subtle hand placements on the body that allow for optimal healing

We will also dive into the rich history and background that couples Reiki. Having this knowledge helps establish a deeper connection and appreciation for this sacred healing art, making you a stronger practitioner overall. 

Reiki Level One is ideal for people who would like to gift themselves the wonderful ability to provide their own hands-on healing. It also serves as the foundation for further trainings, where you learn how to share Reiki with others

Reiki 2 - Sharing the gift with others

In this level you will learn how to provide Reiki for others both in person and long distance. During the attunement your energetic field will be connected to the three primary Reiki Symbols. These symbols are powerful tools that greatly enhance your ability to connect with Reiki and share it with others. During the training you will learn the different properties of these symbols and how to apply them with lots of hands-on practice amongst the other trainees. I would say it is the most impactful of all the Reiki trainings and I recommend everyone go at least this far!

Reiki 3 - Advanced Level Practitioner

In Reiki Level 3 your energetic field is attuned to the first of the three master symbols. The master symbols have a more potent connection to the light source of the universe. Learning how to use this symbol in practice deepens the experience of Reiki for both yourself and your clients. It also allows you to share Reiki for small or large groups in open spaces. This is perfect for those of you interested in holding group events.

You will also learn how to incorporate crystals in to your Reiki practice, creating crystal grids, which increase the effectiveness of your long distant Reiki practice. In addition you will learn a technique called, “EFT Tapping”. In this practice you use your fingers to tap various meridian points in the body in a specific sequence that induces an immediate sense of connectedness and relaxation. It is a massive bonus that greatly deepens the Reiki experience for you and your clients.

Reiki 4 - Master Level

In this level of Reiki you have the opportunity to earn the title of Reiki Master! Congratulations! In this final training you learn the remaining two master symbols, which open the gateway to move light through the energetic body in a powerful way. This level of training is geared towards individuals who are feeling called to share Reiki with others on a larger scale, as you learn how to to attune others and hold your own trainings.

Take the step towards creating more peace and calm for yourself and others…

All the trainings are held at my office located at 38 N. Court St, Providence, RI 02903 and go from 10a-4pm each day.

Reiki 1&2 Training Weekend will take place on June 3rd&4th, 2023. Reiki Level One Training is held on the Saturday. Level Two is offered Sunday the day after. You may take level one on its own or level one and two combined.

Reiki Level Three will be on Saturday, June 10, 2023.

Contact me if you have further questions. Click the links below if you are ready to sign up!

If you wish to pay through Venmo instead of credit card, please use the handle @healing-yoga

If are unable to attend in-person, please inquire about doing an online training!

Reiki 1&2 Training Weekend

The training will take place on Saturday and Sunday on the dates indicated at my office located at 38 N. Court Street, Providence RI from 10am-4pm on both days. Parking is available in the lot adjacent the building.

Reiki 1 - 1 Day Reiki Training
Reiki Level 3 - Advanced Level Practitioner